I cannot believe it has only been 6 months since I started this new journey.
It started with an intuitive massage by my employee Jade who needed case studies for her course. It was a very powerful treatment, taking me into a trance like state throughout the session. At the end, as I was beginning to come back into my body; I said to her 'they've told me to tell you the dark entity has been removed'. I didn't know what this meant at the time, and so began my journey to gaining a deeper understanding of that which we cannot see.
I have always had intuitive knowing, or as some may say psychic abilities. I am also very empathic. Both of these 'gifts' have been a blessing and a curse, especially when I didn't understand how they were affecting me. This led to multiple breakdowns over the years, chronic anxiety and depression. I take on a lot of other people's thoughts and feelings, and it has taken me many years to try to navigate the world, when absorbing a 'toxic soup' of negative energies. I work really hard now to ensure that I look after my aura, just as much as my physical body.
Clearing the dark entity from my ethereal body suddenly opened the psychic channels to a level I have not experienced before. The intuitive downloads came flooding in, and the synchronicities started to manifest at an incredible rate.
This was when I came across Jessica Cunningham advertising for this new modality of healing called Belief Coding®. I'm not normally one to be drawn into Facebook promotions, but there was something about her energy that had me hooked. I attended the 3 nights free online training and without even having to think about it, signed up the 'I am the Alpha Femme' course on the third night. It was an 8-week course for entrepreneurs to grow their businesses, by healing a range of self-sabotaging behaviours that stop your business from growing.
I went to the in-person training and there I met a group of women on similar journeys, and I loved every minute of it. Over the course of the next four weeks, I started to see a lot of change taking place in my life as I started to remove a huge amount of trapped trauma from my body. As a result of this progress, I decided to sign up to become a facilitator myself.
As part of the Alpha Femme course, we had to write a vision and mission statement which consisted of a wish list of what we wanted our lives to look like within the next 6 to 12 months. Since creating this, the universe decided that it would remove everything from my life that was no longer serving me and show me a new life that would be in more alignment with my soul purpose.
One of the most transformational changes that occurred were the removal of all my gynaecological issues, which had stemmed from trapped trauma in the body for the past 30 years. It has been liberating to have all those negative beliefs removed from my thought chatter, and at age 46 begin a journey to fully understand who I am and what I like. In learning to love myself through self-pleasure, I am honouring that divine part of myself and beginning to know who I truly am.
This has enabled me to access my divine feminine, the intuitive energy that is accessed when we go inwards. By listening to 'the voice' within, I have trusted the process and confidently moving through these huge changes within my life. I know I am being divinely guided on this new journey to help heal woman like myself, so that they too can become the very best version of themselves.
It has not been without its mental challenges though. For 30 years I have worked in the childcare industry, and this is a complete change in direction. From 'children to vaginas' has created a trigger response for some of the people in my life, but as one belief coding facilitator said to me "Children do in fact come from vagina's". Yes, they do. This then led me on again to digging deep and understanding where the fear was coming from. The collective narrative perpetuated within society is dominated with a culture of over sexualisation. We have been led to believe that the most divine aspects of ourselves are for the sole purpose of another's pleasure. Our pussies are objectified. The word pussy conjures up pornographic images. One great example of this is when I tried to register the name with companies' house. It was rejected for being too inappropriate. I therefore sent all my designs and information over and asked that whoever had rejected the name, to place their hand on their heart, breathe in and ask themselves what the negative belief was that had caused them to deny the name. The next day I had an email to say it had been approved. We will never challenge the status quo by playing small, or by allowing the fears of others to dictate what we do. In creating Pussy Galore, it has enabled me to be strong, bold, speak my truth, move into my authenticity and own my sexuality. The very things that our vision and mission set out to achieve.
We are on the cusp of a 'pussy revolution'. A movement that will enable women to reclaim the name as a source of feminine power, and I know that I have been divinely guided to support this movement. The universe has provided me with collaborators, the financial means to create this new concept, the ideas were given to me through dreams and mediations, synchronicities occur at an incredible rate and because of my visionary capabilities, I have brought it into fruition in just a few short weeks.
The Pussy Galore® process was created by accessing the treatments myself and seeing what order we could put them in. It was the intuitive massage that cleared energetic blocks and led me onto Belief Coding®. When Jade did the womb ceremony on me, whilst being swaddled, it took me back to memories of when I was a tiny baby being held by my mother and feeling safe and loved. I remembered the house that was born in, the layout, what my cot looked like and my pram. Memories I had never had before. Over the next 24 hours it brought memories to the surface of the trauma that had affected me when becoming a mother myself, and around my daughter's birth. This allowed me to then belief code these memories and heal them.
For the first time in my life, I took a huge financial gamble to invest in myself and I cannot even comprehend the difference in myself and my life in just 6 short months.
If you have landed here, and are reading this, then take this opportunity to invest in yourself. Join us on this unique and liberating journey from vulnerability to empowerment. Bring the Pussy Galore® experience into your life and let us support you to be the very best version of yourself.
Love & Light
Julie x